Tuesday, December 9, 2008

secret to happiness

I say I have the secrets
The secrets to happily live
And the secret advice
That I not so secretly give
Is to gleam from the inside and not change from the out
But we want to FEEL what change is about
So we pack and we move and we quit and we run
Then we look for contentment that never does come.

But if we don’t give ourselves that push and that voice?
Then what have we then? What is our choice?

The what ifs would settle in and the what ifs are a bitch
What if I do nothing and don’t scratch at this itch?
What if I don’t act but just sit and stay?
What if I do nothing to make this yearning go away?
Then live in a world never knowing if there’s more
If I’ve got the talent to be a comedy whore
If I can share with the world what I am about
To let the me on the inside walk around and get out…

So I’m still on this peninsula
With choices all around
Should I step in the water or onto the ground?

For now, I’ll let my sunshine out and I’ll loosen my laces
Eventually I’ll choose the how, the now, and the places

When will I remove my soul from this cement?
And let myself act on the secrets of content?

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