Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Where we are now

It really is over, I think, as I hang up the phone.

Was that a stranger? Or the man I can't let go of?

"Looking forward to it," you responded. "Yeah. Should be interesting."
Like I'm a host - interviewing you on your latest project?
Or a girl fiddling her pony tail, making small talk after your show in the theater lobby?

I guess it is over.
I guess it really is.
I needed to hear how far we have come.
You a bit faster than I.
Definitely ahead (If not speeding away)
From our shared life, shared bed.

I guess it is over.
I am sure I knew
but ached
for anything else to be true.

I know I changed the future once. Can you ache so hard you change the present too?
This time machine is whirling. I'm not even sure how I got inside,
but I know I'm the one who opened the door.
Do I regret it now?
Or will I feel relief when I exit on the other end and shake hands with my future self?

Thank you, she'll say.
Welcome to Love. Welcome to Life.

"Looking forward to it," I'll respond. "Should be interesting."