Wednesday, August 5, 2009

photographic memory

All it takes is a photo, a picture
or in a box in the corner
I should have gone through that box years ago.

Just a photo.
of you
your smile

Just you
in full belly laughter

Just you
your eyes reading my mind

It just takes something so small
to remind me that I hate you

Monday, July 13, 2009

damn you, nick drake

damn you, nick drake
bringing back five years of mistake
and the one long dream
from which I never could wake

why do I lose my color?
why won’t my feet take root?
too much running in my dreams and too hot in this suit
losing my ground on the morning bus route
accepting a drink from the stranger standing to my left
breathing deeply but never able to take a deep breath

damn you, nick drake
you think the tears are gone
and then that song...
comes on
and the tears that I thought were gone
are in m a r c h i n g order and soldiering on
no need to battle them,
no need for a fight
just stopping by for a visit
but soon again out of sight

If time has told me that you’re a rare find,
Then I’ll thank time in the morning
and again at night.

Friday, May 1, 2009

so far gone

Remember I thought you an angel?
Fallen from the sky
To kiss me where it hurts and
lift me up when I needed to fly

Well it seems
I had
only one thing right
You are not on this earth

You are so far gone

So far away, you can’t see down
too high to feel
or ever be found
to ever come down
down to the ground

you are so far gone
too high to be wrong
too gone to do the singing
or to even hear the song

I wonder what will happen when you fall on it
This earth

Will you place your hands firmly down into this yard?
And press into the ground
And feel... what is real?

I know you won’t
You’ll put on new white wings
And seek new paint in new skies
So bright and blue
And empty until you

But that one day will come
As it always does
when the sky realizes you
for the real you
And cuts your wings
And drops you down
Down to the ground

I wish you less like a cat
And more like a stone

Sunday, February 15, 2009

apple and eve

I know why Eve reached for that apple
In its shiny reflection, she was bright and beautiful.

Once she surrenders to it, she knows
she has failed
her fingers barely brushing at its red surface
a familiar voice persuades
it’s ok. go ahead.

And besides,
the apple already in her hands
she knows its touch
its smooth skin
she knows its taste
its juicy insides
she knows what it will provide
the joy she is seeking
for this short time

In haste
she bites in
its sweetness like cake
swift - oh no!
she realizes her mistake

Her hunger depleting
the sweetness only fleeting

that realization
a gasp
she opens her hand
to release her grasp
And watches the apple
Roll from her palm to her fingertips to

It now sits on the earth
For her touch

Eve backs away

memories on the road

they come flooding in
like speed
as soon as I put my foot to the gas
and soon, I remember everything

your fidgety hand in the front seam of your shirt
stretching it out like my worn jeans
Your nicknames and claims
Your love letters, and beautiful words
You chapsticking your lips
Gourmet dinners and Wegmans trips
Countless selfless offers I didn’t want to take
And when I was sad
And counting sheep
You sang me songs to put me to sleep

Honey are driving me craaaazy

well, now I can’t sleep
and where are you?
not making a peep
sleeping in your big fancy condo
with your new wife
who doesn't know what happened to the old wife
and the old life
that you twisted and destroyed
and then ran over with your car

actually, my car

I can’t wait
Until the car stops running