Wednesday, August 11, 2010

bar song

The first verse, a conversation bursting out from damp lips
in the chatter of the bar
lost in the tune
your laughter
and I
gladly humming and hanging on your every word

Then the chorus
So intoxicating I can’t stop playing it over and over
in my mind
Like when your hand stayed
an extra moment on mine

The bridge always stings
damn chord progressions reminding me
that reality
is never ever what you want it
to be

And finally...

another verse
sooth and warming like the first
as I’m drawn into your melody
and you make me laugh
and I sing along
so sure
this song
is playing for me


the final chord fades
and you let go
you let me go

you always let me go

But you and I both know
I’ll just keep pressing repeat...

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

let me go

Intoxicating gaze
Unlock your fingers from mine
let me walk away